Up till last year (2002) I was fortunate enough to lecture Value Chain Management as a subject in a course, The Executive Leadership Programme. This was for the Post Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL) at the University of South Africa (UNISA), the world's largest correspondence university. I simply used extracts from our methodology as subject matter.
"Even more challenging is the quantification of the proposed projects' returned value, with respect to business process improvement." It should not only be that, but the quantification of the change initiative's contribution to the strategic positioning and strategic differentiation of the organisation.
This is exactly what our Project Strategising recipe, an extract from Business Engineering Project Management, An Architectural Bias, ensures that we deliver. P52
Also see how we identify IT, IS and other resource shortcomings and ensure that their 'Fix-it' projects are aligned with the strategy of the business from Business Engineering, The Implementation, P139 to P141, in the context of P112 to P141.
If a project does not contribute directly to the strategic position of a business it should simply not happen. The point of departure for any project is the correct mandate for the correct project. Simply too many projects are launched into by organisations that should never have happened.
"Value Stream Assessment is a structured analysis of one or more business processes with the goal of identifying the points where value (efficiencies) is added, as well as the points where waste (inefficiencies) accumulates." It should also start upstream of your business and end downstream of your business.
"Each value stream includes all the component and associated support tasks or activities leading to the overall business process flow." We view any component of a value chain, inside or across organisations, to always exist within the context of an external and target environment. These environments are reflected across sixteen categories of influences, which ultimately determine what that component will look like. Each component consists of potentially twenty four architectural components, all of which could be influenced by the sixteen surrounding influencing factors. Any such a component also utilises nine types of resources. See Business Engineering, The Object Oriented Framework, P35 to P54.